Company news

Company Name Change Notification

2024-06-03 09:57:53 Shenzhen 1943 Technology Co., Ltd. 0

Dear friends,

Thank you for your long-term support to Shenzhen 1942 Technology Co., Ltd. We have worked together on #PCBs manufacturing to achieve technological breakthroughs again and agian, produced countless products that satisfy our customers. Once again, we express our gratitude to every customer and supplier!

Technology is constantly developing, and we are also committed to constantly improving ourselves. Starting from small details, from a capacitor or resistor to a technology system and project, we are all striving to become the best PCB assembly service provider. After the resolution of all employees, our company has decided to rename our original name "Shenzhen 1942 Technology Co., Ltd." to "Shenzhen 1943 Technology Co., Ltd."  This means that all of us are determined to enter a new era with the company. We have successfully reached a new level and reached a new height on the climb, and we will continue to work hard to provide better #PCBs products and services for our customers.

In traditional Chinese culture, numbers 1, 2, and 3 are all given important and different meanings. Traditional culture believes that everything is born from "3", and hopes that "Shenzhen 1943 Technology Co., Ltd." can create more possibilities, serve the technological innovation for all in the universe, and contribute to global scientific and technological progress!

A new name will bring you a brand new cooperation experience, provide you with new services and higher quality. We look forward to creating more exciting and win-win future together.


Shenzhen 1943 Technology Co.,LTD

(Shenzhen 1942 Technology Co.,LTD)

PCB assembly

P. S.

Based on the original name of the company "Shenzhen 1942 Technology Co., Ltd.", the following content still receives legal protection:

-The original trademark of the company is still valid.

-The original promotional advertisements (including but not limited to videos, images, text, and paper advertisements on various platforms) are still valid.

-All types of valid documents signed with customers and suppliers are still valid (those who need to re sign can actively contact our company, and our company will fully cooperate).

-No non employees or other entities are allowed to use our company's new and old company names, various types of advertisements, documents, etc. to engage in unauthorized behavior.


Violators will be held legally responsible!

SMT China
